venerdì 8 aprile 2011

Has Public Service Televsion still a place in a Globalising World?

This Blog is about my thoughts and concerns on the Future of Public Service Media (PSM). 

You wonder what PSM is? 

Well, supposed you are living in the richer parts of this planet, it is very likely that you have one tv-radio network (at least) of this sort in your country, in your language, targeting the people of your nation, with programmes that intend to be "informative, educational and entertaining", to say it with the BBC's mission statement from 1923.  

Such networks are payed for by every citizen through a licence fee or, in some cases,  through the state's investment of tax payers' money.

The idea of conceiving  media work as a "public service" is based on the belief that societies need such a service to fully develop their social values and democratic nature, and that a private and commercial offer could not fully achieve such a mission. "Public" in this sense means, that all parts of the society get free and unbiased access  to information, education, and entertainment. Well, that's at least the more idealistic vision on the subject...

Basicly, it means that: 
PMS stories are produced  for the countries citizens, which means for their benefits in terms of being educated, well informed and more relaxed parts of that society.
PMS stories are also about  them:  about their history, their politics, their world. 
And in a certain sense the stories told are made by the citizens, because the PSM system and governance represents the various parts and interests of society.

Post-war Germany, where no new Goebbels could come up, can be easily taken as good example for the positive impact of PMS can have on democratic and social development.

I very much believe in this idea myself, and this is one of the reasons  I have been working for PSM for more than 15 years now. 

But the first  doubt I have is this one : do we still need  PSM  in today's globalised and digitally connected world?

And the second: If the answer to the first doubt is yes, we need it, how can we make sure that PSM will be still relevant and powerful to achieve their mission?

To be or not to be, that is the question.

More to come soon.

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